Arctic Paper Grycksbo

Fossil free production of strong paper brands with a long history of craftsmanship.

The Swedish paper mill Arctic Paper Grycksbo’s long tradition makes it a well-known manufacturer of coated, woodfree paper. Its production process has extremely low fossil CO2 emissions, which is only one example of the ambitious sustainability goals within the Arctic Paper Group.

The mill in Grycksbo, located in the heart of Dalarna in Sweden, was originally founded already in 1740 and has a long, successful tradition of papermaking. Since its early years, the mill’s ambition has been to continuously update processes and improve efficiency.


Under the paper brands G and Arctic Volume, Grycksbo produces coated woodfree paper mainly used for printing books, magazines, posters, maps and advertising material. Using a single coating process, the mill produces a one-of-a-kind paper, with the benefits of a coated paper’s printability without losing the contour and feel of the unique paper quality.


Sustainability is in focus in all aspects of operations, and Arctic Paper Grycksbo strives to be one of the most environmentally friendly mills in Europe. This is accomplished by the use of renewable raw material and environmentally compatible production processes along with the responsible use of energy and transportation systems. Since 2009, Arctic Paper Grycksbo’s production is almost 100% fossil free, with energy supplied by a bio burner and supplementary green electricity.

In recent years, Arctic Paper Grycksbo has invested in quality and efficiency upgrades, increasing production efficiency and productivity. Dedicated and systematic work on health and safety measures aims to reach the Arctic Paper vision of zero work-related injuries.


Quick facts

Arctic Paper Grycksbo AB

  • Managing Director Kent Blom
  • 337 employees (2024)
  • 92 % of production is exported
  • Non-integrated paper mill
  • Produces premium coated graphic paper under the brands G and Arctic Volume
  • Production capacity approx. 220,000 tonnes/year
  • Two paper machines with a trim-width of 2.52 m and 3.86 m

Contacts Arctic Paper Grycksbo

Arctic Paper Grycksbo AB

SE-790 20 Grycksbo, Sweden

+46 (0)10 451 80 00

Magnus Nerpin

Side Manager - Grycksbo

Jaana Ahlroos

Product Manager

Björn Legnerfält

Manager Quality, Environment and Development

Johanna Åkerström

Health and safety manager

Andreas Norström

Maintenance Manager

Management Team Sweden

Kent Blom

Managing Director

Mats Frostne

Group HR & Communications Director

Kristian Grind

Side Manager - Munkedal

Magnus Hultman

Finance Manager Sweden

Tobias Jacobsson

Purchasing Manager Sweden

Maarit Kaskela

Group IT Director

Jessica Leitner

Group Customer Service Director

Emelie Lindbohm

Operational Excellence Manager

Magnus Nerpin

Site Manager - Grycksbo

Work at Grycksbo mill in Sweden

You are welcome to apply for jobs at our paper mill. The application is made in Swedish.

See our vacancies in Swedish