Responsible forestry
The main source of Arctic Paper's raw material is sustainably managed forests. To ensure sustainability all the way from forest to paper, the Arctic Paper mills are all chain of custody certified; i e FSC® and PEFC, and all standard products in the Amber, Arctic Volume, G and Munken ranges are available as FSC- and PEFC certified, FSC® FSC-C020637 and PEFC PEFC/05-33-99 certified. Our first choice is always pulp from certified forests (for instance FSC® and PEFC) – whenever it is available.
We ensure sustainability from forest to paper
Chain of custody
The FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) was founded in 1993 on the initiatives of timber users, traders and representatives from environmental and human-rights organizations. FSC promotes an ecologically, socially and economically responsible management of the world’s forests.
The FSC® Chain of Custody certification enables consumers and companies to follow the origin of the raw material to the manufactured product and make responsible purchases.
PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is a global system that promotes sustainable forest management – environmentally, socially and economically, for present and future generations – through independent third party forest certification.
The PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) certifications helps the Arctic Paper mills to provide customers with information about the origin of the raw material.
Read more about PEFC worldwide
Responsible wood and pulp sourcing
At Arctic Paper, we actively promote sustainable forestry by the procurement of certified pulp as well as the marketing and sales of certified paper. To ensure a responsible value chain, we ask our suppliers of pulp and transportation to provide a report that details their environmental performance in regard to energy consumption, air pollution, water and raw materials.
Arctic Paper is committed to procure wood and pulp raw material only from responsible sources and have procedures in place to avoid:
- Illegally harvested wood;
- Wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights;
- Wood harvested in forests where high conservation values are threatened by management activities;
- Wood harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use;
- Wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.
A range of FSC® and PEFC certified papers
The number of our certified products has increased since 2003, when our first Munken paper quality was certified. Since then we have worked further to FSC and PEFC certify both coated and uncoated papers. As a result, today we offer our customers a complete range of certified products. All papers are now available as FSC certified versions and most of them also as PEFC certified.
Certificates & Statements
We want our customers to be able to benefit from our great environmental commitment. We support and work with a number of certification systems that guarantee good environmental performance and constant improvements, while also making our efforts visible to our customers and other interested parties.