Rita creates dreamy paper interior design with unique technology
Hungary 18 May, 2018. Photos by Daniel Ekbladh.
Creator Rita Koralevics from Budapest started her brand Paper Up Collection about fiveyears ago. She had experimented with different materials for a long time, but finally foundher niche – paper. Today, she creates interior design of all kinds, such as lamps, vases andtrays, with a unique technique which is significant for Rita. She mixes paper pulp with other materials such as cement or sand, depending on what she creates or what result she seeks. In the beginning she mostly made vases and bowls, which has evolved into entire collectionsof different interior products, that are highly sought after by different customers.
Video on YouTube: youtu.be/FgTci6q5c4Y
– I’ve always been interested in art, I studied the subject and worked a lot with print andgraphic design. It was where my relationship with paper started, but it looks completelydifferent today. I started with experimenting with the technique I work with now, and Ididn’t really know what to use it for, it was like working with modelling clay. Finally, Irealized the material was incredibly malleable, it could create different effects withoutclearly revealing what material it is, says Rita Koralevics.